সঠিক উত্তর হচ্ছে: Dots Per Inch
ব্যাখ্যা: DPI stands for Dots Per Inch. It is a measure of the density of a print or video image, i.e., the number of dots that can be placed in a line within a distance of 1 inch or 2.54 cm. In computers, DPI refers to a measure of the sharpness on a display screen, and in printing, it is a measure of printed image quality on the paper or the printer resolution, which indicates the number of ink dots that a printer can place in one square inch. The more dots per inch, the higher the resolution.\n[Source: একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণী তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি, প্রকৌশলী মুজিবুর রহমান]